Your Guide to Relief with Dental Sleep Solutions
Experience relief from TMJ with the help of Dr. Jennifer Cornell at Dental Sleep Solutions of Clarksville. Using a range of non-invasive treatments, she can help you find the right solution for your individual needs.
(TMJ) and its Treatment Options
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) are a group of conditions that affect the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull. TMJ is a complex and often painful condition that can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, ringing in the ears, and difficulty opening and closing the jaw. The exact causes of TMJ are not well understood, but it is believed to be related to a combination of factors, including genetics, injury, and stress.
If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ, it is important to seek the help of a healthcare professional. One of the best places to start is with a dentist who specializes in TMJ treatment. Dr. Jennifer Cornell at Dental Sleep & TMJ Solutions of Clarksville is an experienced dentist who has helped many patients overcome the challenges of TMJ.
At Dental Sleep & TMJ Solutions of Clarksville, Dr. Cornell uses a range of treatments to help patients manage their TMJ symptoms. One of the most effective methods is the use of oral appliance therapy. This involves using a custom-fit appliance, similar to a mouthguard, that is worn at night to help reposition the jaw and relieve pressure on the temporomandibular joint.
In addition to oral appliance therapy, Dr. Cornell also uses other non-invasive treatments, such as physical therapy and stress management techniques, to help her patients manage their TMJ symptoms. She also works with patients to address any underlying factors that may be contributing to their TMJ, such as bruxism (teeth grinding) or sleep apnea.
One of the key advantages of working with Dr. Cornell is her commitment to helping patients find the right treatment plan for their individual needs. Whether you are looking for a long-term solution or simply need some help managing your symptoms, she will work with you to find the best course of action.
If you are struggling with TMJ or know someone who is, it is important to take action. The team at Dental Sleep Solutions of Clarksville is here to help you overcome the challenges of TMJ and get back to living life to the fullest.